The Cu 2؉ complexes of the 1-16 and the 1-20 fragments of the Alzheimer's disease-related -amyloid peptide (CuA) show significant oxidative activities toward a catechol-like substrate trihydroxylbenzene and plasmid DNA cleavage. The latter reflects possible oxidative stress to biological macromolecules, yielding supporting data to the pathological role of these soluble A fragments. Abnormal metal-ion homeostasis has been closely associated with several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (i.e. human "mad cow" or prion disease), and Alzheimer's disease (AD) 1 (1-4). Because high cytoplasmic concentrations of free metal ions are toxic and potentially lethal, intricate physiological pathways have evolved to transport and distribute metal ions to their targets, which include enzymes and proteins (5). With aging, physiological processes responsible for accurate delivery of metal ions break down and "leakage" of free metal ions can cause toxic effects to cells (6, 7). Divalent ions of redox-active transition metals have often been associated with oxidative stress and closely involved in the chemistry of reactive oxygen species (ROS), including hydrogen peroxide as well as superoxide and hydroxyl radicals (8). Because increase in intracellular concentrations of metal ions is closely related to the effects of aging, oxidative stress, and AD, there is considerable interest in investigating the connection between malfunction of regulatory processes such as metal transport and the presence of ROS with the pathology of AD.The chemistry of redox-active metal complexes of -amyloid peptide (A) has been an area of intense focus in the study of AD. The aggregation of A within the neocortex is closely related to the pathology of AD and has been shown to be induced by metal binding (9, 10). The A peptides are generated by the cleavage of the ubiquitous amyloid precursor protein by ␣, , and ␥ secretases (11). A in the form of insoluble plaques contains up to millimolar amounts of Zn 2ϩ , Cu 2ϩ , and Fe 3ϩ in the neocortical region of the brain (8); however, the cause/effect connection of the metallo-A plaques with AD is still under debate (12). The metal coordination environment of the 1-40 and 1-42 peptides has been previously studied and their pH-dependent aggregation reported (10, 13). The results showed that the metal binding seemed to be non-stoichiometric with ϳ3.5 metal ions per pair of aggregated peptides and a cooperative binding pattern as the amount of aggregates increases (8). Because A 1-42 and A have been shown to bind Zn 2ϩ , Fe 3ϩ , and Cu 2ϩ with extremely low apparent dissociation constants by means of quantitative determination of the metal-complex precipitates (8), understanding of the metalbinding domain and its structure may shed light on the chemistry related to the neuropathology of AD.Although the coagulation of the peptide plaques leaves little doubt that interaction with cytoplasmic molecules is unlikely, smaller fragment...