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IntroductionTrypanosomatids are a monophyletic group of protozoa that diverged early from the eukaryotic lineage, constituting valuable model organisms for studying variability in different highly conserved processes including protein synthesis. Moreover, several species of trypanosomatids are causing agents of endemic diseases in the third world. There are many evidences suggesting that translation in these organisms shows important differences with that of model organisms such as yeast and mammals. These unique features, which have a great potential relevance for both basic and applied research, will be discussed in this chapter.
Structural analysis
Cryo-electron microscopy map of Trypanosoma cruzi ribosome: Unique features of the rRNAUsing the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) technique, a 12Å resolution density map of the T. cruzi 80S ribosome has been constructed [1]. The overall structure of the T. cruzi 80S ribosome exhibits well defined small (40S) and large (60S) subunits (Figure 1). Some of the landmark characteristics of the ribosome structure can be identified in the density map. Compared with the 80S ribosome from yeast, both the small and large ribosomal subunits from T. cruzi are larger, mainly due to the size of the ribosomal RNA molecules. T. cruzi rRNA (18S rRNA: 2,315 nt and 28S rRNA: 4,151 nt) is one-fifth larger than yeast rRNA (18S rRNA: 1,798 nt; 25S rRNA: 3,392 nt) in total number of nucleotides.Although the T. cruzi 80S ribosome possesses conserved ribosomal structures, it exhibits many distinctive structural features in both the small and large subunits. Compared with other eukaryotic ribosomes, the T. cruzi ribosomal 40S subunit appears expanded, due to the addition of a large piece of density adjacent to the platform region ( Figure 1). As can be seen in the secondary structure of the T. cruzi 18S rRNA (Figure 2), this extra density must be attributed to two large expansion segments (ES) in domain II of the 18S rRNA, ES6 and ES7, designated as insertions of helices 21 and 26. These are the two largest ES in the T. cruzi 18S rRNA, involving 504 and 147 nucleotides, respectively.