The behavior of mobile linkers connecting two semi-flexible charged polymers, such as polyvalent counterions connecting DNA or F-actin chains, is studied theoretically. The chain bending rigidity induces an effective repulsion between linkers at large distances while the inter-chain electrostatic repulsion leads to an effective short range inter-linker attraction. We find a rounded phase transition from a dilute linker gas where the chains form large loops between linkers to a dense disordered linker fluid connecting parallel chains. The onset of chain pairing occurs within the rounded transition.Highly charged chains of the same sign can be linked together by mobile polyvalent ions of the opposite sign (polyvalent counterions). This phenomenon has been observed for a wide variety of systems, including solutions of DNA [1,2], F-actin [3-6] and polystyrene sulfonate [7]. For flexible chains, polyvalent counterions can induce collapse of the chains into a globular compact structure [7]; alternatively, one can argue that the flexible chains mediate attractions between polyvalent counterions that cause them to aggregate. For rigid rods, on the other hand, the polyvalent counterions always repel each other along the axis of the rods, and the attraction between rods is attributed to ion-ion correlations among rods [8,9]. In this paper, we will study the intermediate case of semi-flexible chains, appropriate to biologically important polymers such as DNA. It has been shown theoretically that counterion correlations can modify the bending rigidity of a single semi-flexible chain [10][11][12] and can even render the chain unstable to collapse [11]. Here, we consider two semiflexible chains from a different point of view: instead of studying how counterions modify the effective interactions between monomers on chains, we examine how chain flexibility modifies the effective interaction between generalized linkers, which could be simple polyvalent counterions [6] or weakly-binding (crosslinking or bundling) proteins [4]. Alternatively, the linkers could represent hydrogen bonds connecting the two strands of a DNA double helix undergoing denaturation [13,14]. We use this effective interaction to study the many-body statistical mechanics of linkers. A similar approach has been fruitful for understanding behavior of proteins that link together elastic membranes [15,16].Our calculations yield three main results. First, we find that the chain-mediated interactions between linkers are non-monotonic. At large linker separations the chain bending elasticity leads to a long-ranged repulsion, while at short distances the electrostatic repulsion between chains leads to a short-ranged attraction between linkers. Consequently, there is a repulsive barrier in the interaction between two linkers at intermediate separations. Second, the unusual shape of the effective potential leads to interesting phase behavior in the many-linker system. Since the two-chain system is one-dimensional, there is no true phase transition [17]; instead, we fin...