The order of substrate addition to tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase from baker's yeast was investigated by bisubstrate kinetics, product inhibition and inhibition by dead-end inhibitors. The kinetic patterns are consistent with a random bi-uni uni-bi ping-pong mechanism.Substrate specificity with regard to ATP analogs shows that the hydroxyl groups of the ribose moiety and the amino group in position 6 of the base are essential for recognition of ATP as substrate.Specificity with regard to amino acids is characterized by discrimination factors D which are calculated from k,,, and K , values obtained in aminoacylation of tRNATY'-C-C-A. The lowest values are observed for Cys, Phe, Trp (D = 28000-40000), showing that, at the same amino acid concentrations, tyrosine is 28000-40000 times more often attached to tRNATY'-C-C-A than the noncognate amino acids. With Gly, Ala and Ser no misacylation could be detected (D > 500000); D values of the other amino acids are in the range of 100000-500000.Lower specificity is observed in aminoacylation of the modified substrate tRNATYr-C-C-A(3'NH2) ( D , = 500 -55000). From kinetic constants and AMP-formation stoichiometry observed in aminoacylation of this tRNA species, as well as in acylating tRNATYr-C-C-A hydrolytic proof-reading Factors could be calculated for a pretransfer ( H I ) and a post-transfer (n,) proof-reading step. The observed values of n , = 12-280 show that pretransfer proof-reading is the main correction step whereas post-transfer proof-reading is marginal for most amino acids (n, = 1-2).Initial discrimination factors caused by differences in Gibbs free energies of binding between tyrosine and noncognate amino acids are calculated from discrimination and proof-reading factors. Assuming a two-step binding process, two factors ( I , and I , ) are determined which can be related to hydrophobic interaction forces. The tyrosine side chain is bound by hydrophobic forces and hydrogen bonds formed by its hydroxyl group. A hypothetical model of the amino acid binding site is discussed and compared with results of X-ray analysis of the enzyme from Bacillus .strurothcrmophilus.Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases represent a group of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases which has been investigated very intensively and detailed. Complete primary structures are known for the enzymes from Escherichia Cali and Bacillus stenrothermophilus [l, 21, exhibiting an amino acid sequence homology of 56% [2]. Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase from B. strarothermophilus was crystallized and analyzed by X-ray diffraction as free enzyme [3] and complexed with tyrosyladenylate [4], which is the enzyme-bound product of the first reaction step in the aminoacylation reaction : E + ATP + Tyr + E . Tyr-AMP + PP, E . Tyr-AMP + tRNA + E + Tyr-tRNA + AMP.From X-ray analyses several hydrogen bonds between amino acid side chains of the enzyme and tyrosyladenylate were postulated [5, 61 and a considerable number of mutant enCorrespondence to W. Freist, Abteihng Chemie,