Burkholderia mallei and B. pseudomallei are highly pathogenic species which are closely related, but diverse regarding their prophage content. While temperate phages have not yet been isolated from B. mallei, several phages of B. pseudomallei, and its non-pathogenic relative B. thailandensis have been described. In this study we isolated two phages from B. pseudomallei and three phages from B. thailandensis and determined their morphology, host range, and relationship. All five phages belong to the family Myoviridae, but some of them revealed different host specificities. DNA-DNA hybridization experiments indicated that the phages belong to two groups. One group, composed of E058 (44,121 bp) and E067 (43,649 bp), represents a new subgroup of Burkholderia myoviruses that is not related to known phages. The genomes of E058 and E067 are similar but also show some striking differences. Repressor proteins differ clearly allowing the phages to form plaques on hosts containing the respective other phage. The tail fiber proteins exhibited some minor deviations in the C-terminal region, which may account for the ability of E058, but not E067, to lyse B. mallei, B. pseudomallei, and B. thailandensis. In addition, the integrases and attachment sites of the phages are not related. While E058 integrates into the Burkholderia chromosome within an intergenic region, the E067 prophage resides in the selC tRNA gene for selenocysteine. Experiments on the structure of phage DNA isolated from particles suggest that the E058 and E067 genomes have a circular conformation.