Maria-Giovanna Masciotta obtained her dual-degree PhD in 2015 within a joint programme between the University of Minho (Portugal) and the University of "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), being therefore awarded the mention of "Doctor Europeaus". Since 2012, she has been carrying out her research activity at the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), which is the largest research unit in Portugal in the field of Structural Engineering. Her research interests are related to the engaging fields of modal testing, structural health monitoring and damage identification of heritage structures, being author of several publications on these subjects, but also include bio-inspired sensing paradigms and advanced structural analysis of masonry constructions.Alberto Barontini, graduated in Civil Engineering by University of Florence, in 2015, is currently conducting his PhD programme on bio-inspired Structural Health Monitoring systems at University of Minho, in collaboration with University of Coimbra. His research domains include the study of bio-inspired optimization and learning algorithms applied to identification (detection, localization and quantification) of damage and safety assessment. His research interests also include in-situ non-destructive testing, advanced structural analysis, dynamics of structures and earthquake engineering. Luís F. Ramos, graduated in Civil Engineer by University of Minho in 1999, made his doctorate thesis in 2007, also in University of Minho, about Damage Identification on Masonry Structures based on Vibration Signatures. His current research interests include non-destructive tests for damage detection, structural health monitoring of ancient constructions, dynamic tests, finite element analysis, non-linear analysis of masonry constructions, and earth constructions, being author of several publications, in both conferences and in specialized journals, on those topics. He has been involved in several specialized consultancy projects in monuments and in several research projects. Paulo Amado-Mendes, graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) in 2001, completed his PhD in Civil Engineering, specialization Construction Sciences, in 2010, also at the University of Coimbra. His scientific areas of research comprise: civil engineering and applied physics and mechanics; wave propagation in elastic and acoustic media; fluvial and maritime hydraulics and sediment transport and *