Author ContributionsTH, RLR, BAC, and KVD conceived of the concept. CSB, TH, RLR, and KVD designed assessment questions with input from BAC and MEH. CSB designed computational models, developed overall module structure, and collected data. CSB, RLR and KVD designed module questions and refined the module structure with input from TH. MEH and SMS provided instructor-level feedback and RH provided usability feedback about modules. AR and AS built software features. CSB and CS analyzed the data. CSB, TH, RLR, BAC, MEH and KVD provided critical feedback and shaped the research and analysis. CSB, TH, and RLR wrote the manuscript with input from BAC and KVD. All authors commented on the manuscript.
AbstractUnderstanding metabolic function requires knowledge of the dynamics, interdependence, and regulation of biochemical networks. However, current approaches are not optimal to develop the needed mechanistic understanding, and misconceptions about biological processes persist even after graduation. To address these issues, we developed a computational modeling and simulation approach that employs scaffolded learning to teach biochemistry students about the regulation of metabolism. The power of the approach lies in students' abilities to alter any component or connection in a modeled system and instantly observe the effects of their changes.We find that students who use our approach perform better on biochemistry metabolism questions compared to students in a course that did not use this approach. We also investigated performance by gender and found that our modules may have the potential to increase equity in education. We noted that students are generally positive about the approach and appreciate its benefits. Our modules provide life science instructors with a dynamic and systems-driven approach to teach metabolic regulation and control that improves learning and also equips students with important technical skills.