Key-words:limnology, habitats, phyotplankton, community, Chatla floodplain wetland Phytoplankton diversity was investigated over a period of two years (2006 to 2008) in Chatla floodplain wetland in Barak valley, Assam, North-East India. Site 1 and site 2 are two inlets and site 3 is a lentic system associated with vegetation cover of Calamus tenuis and Baringtonia acutangula. The floodplain has a unique hydrology because of the presence of different types of habitats (inlets, fisheries, beels and outlets) which maintains a network among the floodplains, rivers and streams. Phytoplankton community composition, density and diversity were studied in relation to environmental variables. All the variables were estimated by following standard methods. Phytoplankton was collected by plankton net and quantitative estimation was made by using Sedgwick Rafter counting cell. Phytoplankton community comprised 53 taxa represented by Chlorophyceae (31), Cyanophyceae (11), Bacillariophyceae (7), Euglenophyceae (1) and Dinophyceae (3). Phytoplankton taxa was dominated by Volvox sp., Nostoc sp., Eunotia sp., Navicula sp., Euglena spp. and density was found highest in site 3 and lowest in site 1. Shannon diversity index (H ) for phytoplankton community varied between 2.4 to 2.65 indicating fairly high species diversity. The varying magnitude of correlationship among environmental variables and phytoplankton species density as shown by Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that some of the environmental variables (water temperature, transparency, rainfall, nitrate and ammonia) are the driving factors for governing the phytoplankton species assemblages in Chatla floodplain wetland. Fluctuation of phytoplankton density and community composition in different habitats indicated various niche apportionment as well as anthropogenic influences. (11), Bacillariophyceae (7), Euglenophyceae (1) et Dinophyceae (3). Les taxons phytoplanctoniques sont dominés par Volvox sp., Nostoc sp., Eunotia sp., Navicula sp., Euglena sp. et la densité est la plus forte dans le site 3 et la plus faible dans le site 1. L'indice de diversité de Shannon (H ) pour la communauté phytoplanctonique varie entre 2,4 à 2,65 indiquant une diversité spécifique assez grande. L'ampleur variable de la corrélation entre les variables environnementales et la densité des espèces de phytoplancton, comme indiqué par l'analyse canonique de correspondance (CCA), indique que certaines des variables environnementales (température de l'eau, la transparence, la pluie, le nitrate et l'ammoniac) sont les facteurs déterminant les assemblages d'espèces de phytoplancton dans la plaine d'inondation Chatla. La variation de la densité du phytoplancton et de la composition de la communauté dans les différents habitats indique diverses répartitions de niche ainsi que les influences anthropiques.