“…The major uptake and elimination processes of chemicals in mammals that are often included in the model are respiratory and dietary uptake, respiratory elimination, fecal elimination, urinary elimination, biliary elimination, biotransformation, lactation, and growth dilution:
where C organism , C air , and C diet are the concentrations of the chemical in the organism (g/kg organism), air (g L air −1 ), and diet (g kg food −1 ), respectively; k respiratory uptake and k dietary uptake are the clearance rates (L‐air kg‐organism −1 day –1 and kg‐food kg‐organism −1 day −1 ) describing the kinetics of chemical uptake from the air and the diet, respectively; and k respiratory elimination , k fecal elimination , k urinary elimination , k biliary elimination , k met , k lactation , and k growth are the rate constants (day –1 ) describing the first‐order kinetics of chemical elimination via respiratory elimination, fecal elimination, urinary elimination, biliary elimination, biotransformation, lactation, and growth dilution, respectively. Models for deriving k respiratory uptake , k dietary uptake , k respiratory elimination , k fecal elimination , k urinary elimination , k biliary elimination , and k lactation are described in Lee et al (
2022). The steady‐state biomagnification factor (BMF C ) of the parent substance as a result of dietary uptake is