The empowerment of Small and Medium Industries (IKM) in Brebes Regency is the goal of a poverty alleviation program by utilizing the diversification of melinjo (Gnetum Gnemon) and melinjo chips into productive food products. Melinjo is a potential agricultural product in Brebes as its production reaches 12,040 quintals in 2019 and 14,266 quintals in 2020 The training aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of the community in seizing business opportunities through (IKM), particularly related to the diversification of melinjo-based products. The training was carried out by delivering material on Good Manufacturing Practice and diversification of melinjo-based products, as well as the demonstration on processing melinjo into chips and melinjo chips into chocolate melinjo flakes, melinjo chips cookies, spicy melinjo chips, melinjo nuggets. Descriptive percentage analysis was carried out to identify the participants ability before and after attending the training, and the Gain Score analysis was used to identify the improvement of the participants after the training. The results showed the initial ability of the participants were very poor (10%), poor (5%), enough (20%), good (20%), and very good (20%). After attending the meeting, the participants reach the ability with criteria good (30%), and very good (70%). The increase in N-Gain of 0.7 was calculated with the "Medium" category, which means the training have good results in increasing the knowledge and ability of the participants. a "Medium" category or in other words, the results of the training have good results in increasing participants' understanding and abilities.