Drimia maritima is a toxic Mediterranean plant and is considered a commercially important drug by its medicinal values and pharmacological properties. In this work, we seek to evaluate the direct and delayed effects of the ethanol extracts of this plant on vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster), an excellent laboratory model. The treatment was carried out by ingestion on second-stage larvae (L2) and then we evaluated the impact of this treatment on mortality, development, sexual behaviour, on female's oviposition choice, fecundity, and fertility of adults. The results showed that mortality rates can reach 100% after 15 days of treatment as we recorded an acceleration of the flies' development. After treatment, we observed incomplete nuptial courtship and a significant decrease in eggs laid number and larvae number of the first generation treated. This study indicates that D. maritima ethanolic extract has a neurotoxic property, our results confirmed the presence of toxic secondary metabolites in the extract studied.