Olea europaea L. folium has been studied for its potential nutraceutical properties. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted on samples of Madural, Verdeal, and Cobrançosa elementary leaves and leave sprouts (mamões) collected in the region of Valpaços, Portugal. Mineral analysis determined the measurements of the levels of several macro- and micro-elements based on ICP-MS techniques. The inorganic analysis in this work allowed us to propose olive leaf extract (OLE) from different cultivars as a viable and affordable source of mineral substrates to address disorders related to essential elements such as Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, and Cu deficiencies. Given the importance of the research on novel therapies, finding a suitable substrate for extracting quality amounts of mineral is a priority. The physiological influence of enzymes dependent on minerals with regard to neuroinflammatory and neurobehavioral, metabolic, cardiovascular, osteodegenerative, anti-aging, pulmonary, and immunological defense disorders might dictate the importance of further research for designing supplementation based on the nutraceutical potential of OLE of these cultivars predominant in the northern region of Portugal.