Two fungal chloroperoxidases (CPOs), the heme enzyme from Caldariomyces fumago and the vanadium enzyme from Curvularia inaequalis, chlorinated 1-(4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-1,3-dihydroxypropane, a dimeric model compound that represents the major nonphenolic structure in lignin. Both enzymes also cleaved this dimer to give 1-chloro-4-ethoxy-3-methoxybenzene and 1,2-dichloro-4-ethoxy-5-methoxybenzene, and they depolymerized a synthetic guaiacyl lignin. Since fungal CPOs occur in soils and the fungi that produce them are common inhabitants of plant debris, CPOs may have roles in the natural production of high-molecular-weight chloroaromatics and in lignin breakdown.Natural organochlorine compounds are widely distributed in the environment, but the processes that generate them are not completely understood. It is clear that many natural organochlorines are microbial secondary metabolites, whereas others are generated abiotically (22), but little attention has been given to the possibility that biological chlorinations of lignin, the most abundant terrestrial aromatic substance, may produce chloroaromatic compounds. If microbial mechanisms exist to oxidize Cl Ϫ in plant material, the resulting electrophilic chlorine species are likely to react with the electron-rich aromatic rings of lignin (4). This chemistry could explain, in part, why field samples of soil, litter, and decayed wood have all been shown to contain high-molecular-weight chloroaromatics (5,14).Certain plant-pathogenic ascomycetes that are cosmopolitan inhabitants of plant debris provide a possible route for Cl Ϫ oxidation in the vicinity of lignin (6,8,20). These fungi produce extracellular chloroperoxidases (CPOs), heme-or vanadium-containing enzymes that oxidize Cl Ϫ to hypochlorous acid (HOCl) or a similarly reactive chlorine electrophile (18,21). CPOs chlorinate a variety of aromatic substrates (2,15,19,23), but their reactivity with lignin is unknown. We report here that the major structures in lignin are not only chlorinated but also cleaved by the heme CPO of Caldariomyces fumago and the vanadium CPO of Curvularia inaequalis.Chlorination and cleavage of a lignin model dimer. Compound I, 14 C]phenyl)-2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-1,3-dihydroxypropane (1.0 mCi/mmol), a model of the major nonphenolic arylglycerol--aryl ether structure in lignin (Fig. 1A), was prepared as described previously (9, 12). The model was treated with either commercially available Caldariomyces fumago heme CPO (Sigma) or partially purified Curvularia inaequalis vanadium CPO. The latter enzyme was obtained by DEAE-Sephacel chromatography of the extracellular medium from Curvularia inaequalis cultures (ATCC 10713) as described earlier (17). The reaction mixtures (1.0 ml) contained compound I (3.4 ϫ 10 5 dpm, 160 M), KCl (20 mM), and buffer (25 mM). The buffers were potassium phosphate, pH 3.0, for heme CPO reactions and sodium acetate, pH 4.0, for vanadium CPO reactions. Enzyme was added (35 monochlorodimedone units of heme CPO or 1 monochlorodimedone unit of va...