Enhancing fruit quality through the application of contemporary agrochemicals that regulate physiological and biochemical processes in plants is a pressing concern in present circumstances. The effect of foliar application of 04 agrochemicals (Agricola, Aminofol, Aminovit, Speefol) on the quality of 04 plum-shaped tomato varieties (Cobra26F<sub>1</sub>, Heinz3402F<sub>1</sub>, SisterF<sub>1</sub>, Rio Grande) cultivated on light chestnut soils under drip irrigation was carry out in the north of the Astrakhan region within a strongly continental climate zone from 2018 to 2020. The study revealed that varying agrochemicals have an impact on the quality parameters of tomato fruit. In the Cobra 26 F<sub>1</sub> hybrid, foliar treatments led to a rise in the fruit's dry matter content, from 0.24% in the aminofol variant to 0.49% in the Agricola variant. Additionally, sugar content increased by 0.20-0.23% in the Agricola treatments and by 0.06-0.33% in the Aminovit treatments, for both the Cobra 26 F<sub>1</sub> and Sister F<sub>1</sub> hybrids. Application of various agrochemicals on leaves resulted in an increased mass fraction of vitamin C in Heinz 3402 F<sub>1</sub> hybrids, specifically on variants treated with Aminovit and Agricola by 2.21 and 3.81 mg/100 g respectively. For hybrid Sister F<sub>1</sub>, only the variant treated with Agricola showed an increase of 1.79 mg/100g. In the case of variety Rio Grande, all variants showed an increase in vitamin C, ranging from 0.03 on the Aminovit-treated variant to 8.84 on the Aminofol-treated variant. The fruit of both the Heinz 3402 F<sub>1</sub> hybrid and the Rio Grande variety exhibited an increase in carotene content, from 0.10 to 0.24 mg% and 0.02 to 0.04 mg%, respectively. Additionally, fruit acidity was reduced. As a conclusion the applied agrochemicals have different effects on the content of dry matter.