Transformation of both rat and chicken fibroblasts by the src oncogene leads to a four-to fivefold increase in the rate of glucose transport and in the level of the glucose transporter protein. We have previously shown that, with chicken embryo fibroblasts, transformation leads to a reduction in the rate of degradation of the transporter, with little or no increase in the rate of its biosynthesis. We now show that, with the rat-1 cell line, the opposite result was obtained. src-induced transformation led to an increase in transporter biosynthesis, with little effect on turnover. A src-induced increase in transporter mRNA entirely accounted for the increase in biosynthesis of the protein. By contrast, in chicken embryo fibroblasts, the level of transporter mRNA was low and was not induced to rise by src transformation. Thus, src induced an increase in the level of the glucose transport protein by fundamentally different mechanisms in chicken embryo fibroblasts and rat-1 cells. To test whether this difference was due to rat-1 cells being an immortalized cell line, we measured transporter mRNA levels in primary fibroblast cultures from rat embryos and in parallel cultures transformed by src. Transporter mRNA was inducible by src in these cells. Thus, the difference in mRNA inducibility between chicken and rat cells is not due to immortalization.Malignant transformation of chicken and rat embryo fibroblasts by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) results in a marked increase in the rate of hexose transport across the plasma membrane (11,14,15,17,26,27). In cells transformed by RSV mutants in which the transforming protein pp60j-fsrc is temperature sensitive, the increase in transport is also temperature sensitive, indicating that the activity of pp6Ovsrc is necessary for both establishing and maintaining the transport alteration (14,15,17). It is generally accepted that the enhancement of transport is due to an increased number of hexose transporter molecules at the cell membrane, rather than a modification of existing carriers, for the following reasons. (i) Kinetic evidence indicates that the Vmax for transport is increased (7,14,15,26,27 biosynthesis showed that there was little or no difference between normal and transformed cells (22).In contrast, results obtained by others using rodent cells indicate that src transformation induces increased glucose transport by elevating the level of the mRNA for the transporter (8). To resolve this apparent discrepancy, we measured the effects of src transformation on the levels of transporter mRNA, transporter biosynthesis, and transporter degradation in chicken embryo fibroblasts, rat-i cells, and primary cultures of fibroblasts explanted from a rat embryo. We concluded that src increases the level of transporter by mechanisms that differ between rat and chicken cells. In the former, src elevates transporter mRNA levels and biosynthesis, whereas in the latter this is not the case and src acts to inhibit transporter turnover. 2) and stored at -20°C. Lysates were cleared by centrifugati...