A strain of Bacillus thuringiensis has been isolated, and mcthods havc becn devcloped for separation of the crystallinc, parasporal inclusions in a pure form. Normal sporulation with concomitant crystal formation takes place when cells are incubated under suitablc conditions in a nutrient frce medium. Serological techniques have been used to study the origin and dcvelopmcnt of the crystals. Rabbit antiscra have been prcparcd to a vegetative cell extract, suspensions of crystals, and a solution of crystal protein (obtained by alkali treatment of crystals). Tests have been carricd out mainly by thc Ouchterlony gel plate technique. Crystal protein solutions were found to bc more active than suspensions of intact crystals both in reaction with, and in neutralization of, the crystal antibodies. Antisera to thc vegetative ccll extract gave no reaction with crystal protein. Ultrasonic extracts of cells taken beforc or during crystal formation gave no reaction with the crystal antibodies. Tests with alkali cxtracts of disrupted cclls showed that the crystal antigen is absent in vegetative cells but arises during sporulation. Thc appearance ot the antigen can bc correlated with the formation and growth of the crystals as followed by examination of disrupted cell preparations under the electron microscopc. It can be concluded that thc crystalline protein inclusions do not arise from precursors in the same antigenic state.