“…1), including oxidative burst, mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization, fall in the intracellular ATP pool, lysosomal membrane permeabilization, and most importantly, terminal cytoplasmic membrane permeabilization, the necrotic hallmark of this apoptotic outcome. These events lead to cytoplasmic swelling, rupture of the cytoplasmic membrane, and terminal cell dismantling into cell debris with spilling of the intracellular content [59,62,63], the crucial event that confers to secondary necrosis its pathological character in multicellular animals. This terminal cytolysis is autolytic, as it is carried out from within by the ongoing autonomous, proteolytic process, mainly operated by released lysosomal enzymes [81] and thus, contrasts with the heterolytic disintegration of apoptosing cells occurring within the phagolysosomes of the scavenger cell when clearance occurs [33].…”