Determination by amino acid analyss of the percentage of diaminopimelic acid in the spore cortex of Bacills megaterium and Bacillm sublfis which is involved in interpeptide cross-links gave values of31 to 37%. This finding supports the idea that the cortex volume could undergo significant changes in response to changes in pH or ionic strength and could thus play an active role in reducing the water content of the spore protoplast during sporulation.In the bacterial endospore, the metabolically inactive protoplast is encased in multiple integuments. The most prominent of these are the spore coats, composed primarily of protein, underlying which is the spore cortex, composed primarily of peptidoglycan. In contrast to the spore coats, the spore cortex appears to play a major role in spore heat resistance. Spores which contain defective coat layers or which have been chemically stripped of their coats maintain full, or nearly full, heat resistance (4). However, changes in the structure or volume of the spore cortex result in a corresponding loss of heat resistance (1,5,10). The involvement of the cortex in spore heat resistance has generally been attributed to its role in maintaining the dehydrated state of the spore protoplast (4). In addition, models which predict a role for the cortex in bringing about the dehydration of the protoplast, in addition to maintaining it, have been presented. In the contractile cortex (6) and the anisotropically expansive cortex (13) models, changes in the diameter or volume of the cortex would effectively squeeze water from the spore core. These models are compatible with the classical model of spore cortex structure, in which there is a low to moderate degree of cross-linking of the peptidoglycan side chains (15), a characteristic that allows significant shrinkage and swelling of the cortex in response to changes in pH or ionic strength (4,9).In an early characterization of spore cortex structure, Warth and Strominger found that 35% of the cortical muramic acid residues were substituted with peptide side chains (15). However, only 19% of the £-amino groups of the diaminopimelic acid (Dpm) residues in these side chains were involved in interpeptide cross-links, with the remainder having a free e-amino group. These values were determined by using cortex solubilized by lysozyme digestion of spores which had first been heat inactivated and mechanically disrupted.More recently, Marquis and Bender (7) reported that cortex isolated from spores by a chemical extraction procedure contained very few free amino groups, suggesting a highly cross-linked structure. Their data further suggested that mechanical shearing significantly increased the number of free amino groups found in the cortex. They theorized that the native spore cortex possesses a rigid, highly cross-linked * Corresponding author. structure that serves only to maintain pressure on the spore core and that the loosely cross-linked structure originally proposed was simply an artifact of the cortex purification method used at that t...