We have examined soluble oat (Avena sativa) arginine decarboxylase by probing its structure with polyclonal antibodies that separately recognize amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal antigens and with a monoclonal antibody that immunoprecipitates enzyme activity. These experiments indicated that oat arginine decarboxylase is clipped from a 66,000-D precursor polypeptide into 42,000-and 24,000-D produce polypeptides. Both of these are found in the enzyme and may be held together by disulfide bonds. A full-length precursor protein could not be detected in plants but could be produced by expression of the cDNA in Escherichia coli. Analysis of the expression of the cDNA in E. coli, with antibodies and using pulse labeling with [35S]methionine, indicated that the bulk of the expressed protein was the full-length 66,000-D form. Small amounts of 42,000-and 24,000-D polypeptides could also be detected. A reconstruction experiment, adding a radioactively labeled full-length protein isolated from E. coli to powdered oat leaves, supported the idea that the protein extraction method used for western blots was not likely to result in artifactual proteolytic degradation.Putrescine synthesis in higher plants can proceed via two alternative pathways from ornithine via ornithine decarboxylase and from arginine via arginine decarboxylase (EC through the intermediate agmatine. The arginine decarboxylase pathway is also present in some bacteria, including Escherichia coli (15), but is largely absent from other eukaryotic kingdoms. Animals and fungi rely predominately on ornithine decarboxylase as the initial, highly regulated, step in polyamine synthesis. In previous research, we (10,11) for the oat leaf arginine decarboxylase. The cloning strategy involved purifying the arginine decarboxylase polypeptide, N-terminal amino acid sequencing, construction of a degenerate oligonucleotide probe, and screening of an oat leaf cDNA library. Extensive similarity exists between the oat and E. coli arginine decarboxylase amino acid sequences. We also generated an antibody (anti-C in Table I) to a carboxyl-end portion of the arginine decarboxylase polypeptide. Analysis of the cDNA and oat leaf proteins indicated that arginine decarboxylase of oats might be proteolytically processed (1) based on the following considerations: The arginine decarboxylase cDNA contains an open reading frame that encodes a 66,000-D polypeptide; however, experiments probing oat leaf extracts with the anti-C antibody revealed 24,000-and 34,000-D polypeptides on western blots. The 24,000-D form was the same size as the polypeptide we (2) characterized via its ability to bind the enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor DFMA3. The amino terminus of the 24,000-D DFMA-binding polypeptide we purified was subsequently found internally in the predicted arginine decarboxylase open reading frame, approximately two-thirds of the way from the amino to the carboxyl end. The results of both the purification of DFMA-binding activity and the probing of plant extract...