Synopsis Non-saponifiable lipid fraction (ICSB) extracted from cocoa shell butter was solubilized in dimethylformamide (DMF) and analysed for its biological activity on growth of rat and human fibroblasts. Non-saponifiables (10 mug ml(-1)) partially protected cells from toxicity of DMF (1%) and allowed the growth of fibroblasts cultivated in optimal conditions (10% fetal calf serum-FCS, 37 degrees C) or improved the survival of cells maintained in altered conditions (2.5% FCS, 35 degrees C). At higher concentration (ICSB 50 mug ml(-1), DMF 1%), the protective effect was suppressed. ICSB was fractionated by chromatography into four compounds: sterols, terpenic alcohols, tocopherols and hydrocarbons +/- carotenoids. We found that biological activity of ICSB was mostly due to the major fraction containing sterols.