Posttranscriptional control of nif mRNA stability was demonstrated by functional and chemical analyses, using specific probes for four niftranscripts. In the wild type, nif transcripts (except nijL4) were stable during derepression, with half-lives of approximately 30 min. They were dramatically destabilized by 02 or elevated temperature (41°C) and to a lesser extent by NH4'. In contrast, the nifLA message was not particularly stable, and posttranscriptional control was not evident. In NifL-strains, both forms of analysis indicated that the nifL product was involved in nif mRNA destabilization in the presence of 02 and NH4'.The complexity of mechanisms for control of gene expression in bacteria is exemplified by regulation of nitrogen fixation in Klebsiella pneumoniae. The production of active nitrogenase requires the expression of at least 15 linked genes arranged in seven operons (3,26). The nif genes are not expressed in the presence of fixed nitrogen (31,32,34), 02 (30), or temperatures above 37°C (5,14,35).Two levels of transcriptional control of nif gene expression have been established. Transcription of nifLA is repressed by NH4' (7,12,19,23,28,33) through the action of the general nitrogen regulatory system (ntr) but is not affected by 02, amino acids, or high temperature (7,11,20,35). The nifA product is required for transcription of all nif operons except nifLA (6,7,11,27). The nifL product turns off transcription of the other nif operons (not nifLA) in response to 02 and fixed N (7,15,24,25,27). Transcription of these operons is turned off at high temperature, but the nifL product is not involved. Rather, it appears that the nifA product is unable to exert positive control at high temperature (5-7, 35).Several papers have addressed the stability of nif mRNA under various conditions (16)(17)(18)26). These papers agree that most nif mRNAs are quite stable under derepressing conditions. In two of these, a significant reduction in chemmical (18) and functional (17, 18) stability of some nif transcripts was observed upon the addition of NH4+. Of these papers, one (17) concluded that the observed effects are not nif specific but reflect a general increase in bulk mRNA turnover. The other paper (18) Our results show that (i) the niftranscripts (except nifLA) are very stable in derepressing conditions, (ii) specific posttranscriptional control of nif mRNA stability is an important feature of the regulation of nif gene expression, and (iii) this specificity requires a nif-encoded protein, the nifL product, which is involved in nifmRNA destabilization in response to 02 and to a lesser extent NH4. The results of previous studies can be explained in light of the models that our results suggest.