“…LAB are reported to accelerate ripening time, improve colour and fl avour profi le, inhibit pathogenic and spoilage bacteria by producing lactic acid and bacteriocin, thereby improving the overall quality and keeping quality of products (Bacus 1986, Con and Gökalp 2000, Erkkilä et al 2001, Amézquita and Brashears 2002, Fadda et al 2002. Staphylococci, on the other hand, have nitrite reductase, catalase positive, lipolytic, proteolytic and amine oxidase characteristics (Miralles et al 1996, Gardoni et al 2002, Mauriello et al 2002, which could produce important volatiles to generate fl avour components in such dry fermented sausages (Søn-dergaard andStahnke 2002, Olesen et al 2004).…”