DOI: 10.1111/oik.09119
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Biochemical traits enhance the trait concept in Sphagnum ecology

Abstract: Sphagnum mosses are key to northern peatland carbon sequestration. They have a range of morphological and anatomical characteristics that allow them to cope with environmental stress. Sphagnum also produces a plethora of biochemicals that may prevent stress-induced cell-damage. However, the linkages between Sphagnum anatomical, morphological and biochemical traits (i.e. metabolites, pigments and antioxidant enzyme activities) are poorly known, neither are their joint responses to environmental change. Here, we… Show more

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Cited by 9 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 101 publications
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“…In addition to primary metabolites, secondary metabolites increased in summer. This suggests that Sphagnum produces these compounds to cope with the abiotic stresses occurring in summer, such as high temperature, light irradiation and/or droughts (Iason et al ., 2012 ; Gargallo‐Garriga et al ., 2015 ; Sytiuk et al ., 2022 ). For example, the increase in flavonoids in Sphagnum mosses, which was concomitant with the decrease in the Sphagnum WC, indicates that Sphagnum may have produced these compounds as an antioxidant to limit the oxidative stress resulting from drier conditions in summer (Choudhury et al ., 2013 ; Das & Roychoudhury, 2014 ; Noctor et al ., 2018 ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…In addition to primary metabolites, secondary metabolites increased in summer. This suggests that Sphagnum produces these compounds to cope with the abiotic stresses occurring in summer, such as high temperature, light irradiation and/or droughts (Iason et al ., 2012 ; Gargallo‐Garriga et al ., 2015 ; Sytiuk et al ., 2022 ). For example, the increase in flavonoids in Sphagnum mosses, which was concomitant with the decrease in the Sphagnum WC, indicates that Sphagnum may have produced these compounds as an antioxidant to limit the oxidative stress resulting from drier conditions in summer (Choudhury et al ., 2013 ; Das & Roychoudhury, 2014 ; Noctor et al ., 2018 ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…We selected five Sphagnum ‐dominated peatland sites – that is Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Poland and France – to represent a wide temperature (temperature gradient = 10°C) and precipitation (precipitation gradient = 200 mm) range within Europe (Supporting Information Table S1 ). Each site was dominated by different Sphagnum and vascular plant species (see Sytiuk et al ., 2021 , 2022 for a detailed description of each site). In the summer of 2018, we collected 25 peat‐monoliths (60 × 40 × 20 cm) at each site and encased them into plastic boxes of the same size.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Specialized metabolites may also be components in the biosynthetic pathways that influence how species adjust in response to environmental change. Sphagnum species increased phenolic production as a competitive response to vascular plants ( Chiapusio et al , 2018 ), and Sphagnum growing in warmer conditions had increased polyphenol concentrations ( Sytiuk et al , 2022 , Preprint). Moreover, because of their functions in inhibiting tissue degradation, phenolics are a central component in maintaining a stable bog ecology.…”
Section: Climate Change Specialized Metabolites and Bryophytesmentioning
confidence: 99%