The substitution of amino acids in the reactive site of aprotinin, a bovine serine proteinase inhibitor with potent activity against trypsin, plasmin and tissue kallikrein, led to a change in specificity of the inhibitor.Twelve new aprotinin variants prepared by recombinant DNA technology and expressed in Escherichia coli clearly demonstrated that the neighbouring groups of the PI residue, in particular PL, contribute to the specificity of the inhibitor, while earlier investigations on semisynthetically prepared variants revealed the importance of the P I residue in dominating the inhibitory specificity.Recombinant aprotinin variants which act specifically against chymotrypsin-like proteinases, were obtained by substitution of the amino acids in position P, and P; by hydrophobic amino acids like phenylalanine, tyrosine and leucine. Some of these variants, particularly those with phenylalanine or leucine substitutions, were also found to exhibit inhibitory activity against cathepsin G with an equilibrium constant of dissociation Ki of lo-' M. Inhibitory specificity against cathepsin G was not found in any semisynthetic variant prepared earlier.The Kunitz-type inhibitor aprotinin is one of the most extensively studied serine proteinase inhibitors. Its inhibitory properties and primary structure are well characterised (Tschesche, 1974a(Tschesche, , 1974b Fritz and Wunderer, 1983) and its tertiary structure was determined by high-resolution X-ray crystal structural analysis (Huber et al.. 1970;Deisenhofer and Steigemann, 1975).During the last decade, more than 20 analogues of aprotinin with vastly changed specific inhibitory activity (Jering and Tschesche, 1976a, b ;Wenzel and Tschesche, 1981 ;Wenzel et al., 1982;Tschesche and Wenzel, 1982) have been prepared by semisynthetic substitution of the amino acid in position P, (Schechter/Berger notation, 1967) of the reactive site.The analogues were directed against chymotrypsin and different elastases, depending on the kind of substituted amino acids. However, the semisynthetic procedure allowed only substitution of a few positions in the reactive site. The use of an expression system for the synthesis of recombinant aprotinin in prokaryotes now permits modification of the inhibitor by amino acid substitution in any desired position of the molecule. The new variants could be designed to interact specifically with the chosen target enzyme, e.g. particularly with cathepsin G; thus, a new inhibitory specificity, so far not observed with any of the earlier prepared variants, could be evoked. This serine proteinase from human granulocytes is one of the deleterious enzymes responsible for tissue degradation in lung emphysema.
MaterialsThe expression system pNH04.1.1 was kindly donated by Bayer AG (Wuppertal, FRG) and the restriction enzymes ApaI, SruI, EcoRI, Hind111 and NciI were purchased from Bethesda Research Lab., USA, which also supplied the T4 ligase, polynucleotide kinase and exonuclease 111. The alkaline phosphatase and Klenow fragment were pu...