The objective of this paper is to study the effect of the soil water content ''SWC'' and flowrate on Venting and Soil Vapor Extraction ''SVE'' process efficiency. Two experiments simulating venting process and SVE process were done on sand column. Two sand water contents were tested: low SWC (7.6%) and a dry one, at low flowrate (600 mL min -1 ) and high flowrate (3200 mL min -1 ). Results show that the efficiency is better at low flowrate and dry sand whatever the process used (96.7%). It decreases with the water saturation and flowrate increases to reach 92.4%. The good efficiency, when low flowrate is applied, needs more time application (500 min) than when high flowrate is applied (300 min) for about 2.5% efficiency win. The presence of water and the low flowrate become more difficult than the contaminant extraction in the tailing part. It has been demonstrated the diffusional nature of this part and then the interest to introduce, in this step, other technics like the discontinued extraction, particularly for dry soil and high flowrate, where efficiency was improved by 1.3%. The utility of the optimal treatment time determination has been demonstrated to save the application time.