Semiarid ecosystems are threatened by global warming due to longer dehydration times and increasing soil degradation. Mounting evidences indicate that, given the current trends, drylands are likely to expand and possibly experience catastrophic shifts from vegetated to desert states. Here we explore a recent suggestion based on the concept of ecosystem terraformation, where a synthetic organism is used to counterbalance some of the nonlinear effects causing the presence of such tipping points. Using an explicit spatial model incorporating facilitation and considering a simplification of states found in semiarid ecosystems i.e., vegetation, fertile and desert soil, we investigate how engineered microorganisms can shape the fate of these ecosystems. Specifically, two different, but complementary, terraformation strategies are proposed: Cooperation-based: C-terraformation; and Dispersion-based: D-terraformation. The first strategy involves the use of soil synthetic microorganisms to introduce cooperative loops (facilitation) with the vegetation. The second one involves the introduction of engineered microorganisms improving their dispersal capacity, thus facilitating the transition from desert to fertile soil. We show that small modifications enhancing cooperative loops can effectively change the location of the critical transition found at increasing soil degradation rates, also identifying a stronger protection against soil degradation by using the D-terraformation strategy. The same results are found in a mean field model providing insights into the transitions and dynamics tied to these terraformation strategies. The potential consequences and extensions of these models are discussed.
I. INTRODUCTION1 Global warming is changing the dynamics and re-2 silience of ecosystems, damaging many of them and creat-3 ing the conditions for widespread diversity loss [2, 34, 35].
4Because of the presence of nonlinear effects, many ecosys-5 tems display so called tipping points associated to com-6 munity collapse. Among these systems, drylands (which 7 comprise arid, semi-arid and dry-subhumid ecosystems) 8 are a specially fragile subset of major importance: they 9 include more than 40% of terrestrial ecosystems and host 10 a similar percentage of the current human population 11 [31]. Increasing aridity is pushing these ecosystems to-12 wards serious declines in microbial diversity, land degra-13 dation, loss of multifunctionality as a desert state is ap-14 proached [23, 31]. Dedicated efforts have been address-15 ing several avenues to both understanding how transi-16 tions can be anticipated by means of warning signals 17 [16, 18, 39, 45] and even prevented [31,40, 46]. 18 Drylands are characterised by the presence of organ-19 isms that have adapted to low moisture availability, dam-20 aging UV radiation and high temperatures [29]. A rich 21 community structure and the maintenance of physical 22 soil coherence are essential to prevent drylands from 23 degradation. In this context, some universal types of 24 interactions th...