The term Deep Biosphere was coined by Thomas Gold [1] and refers to subsurface life habitats decoupled from photosynthesis, populated by microbial life. The extent of the deep biosphere is loosely defined to range between 1 m depth (or more depending on terrain) to depths at which the maximum temperature for microbial life is reached. This temperature window in which subsurface life can exist ranges from subzero at permafrost environments to the upper temperature limit of life, which is currently 122°C [2]. Assuming such rough boundary constraints and in combination with estimates on the number of prokaryotes encountered in different habitats first mass balances indicated that subsurface bacteria and archaea comprise 35-47% of the Earths' total biomass [3], albeit recent studies indicate the likelihood of these estimates being too high [4]. Independent of the extent of the deep biosphere, microbial life depends on the presence of electron donors and acceptors to gain energy. In the anaerobic environments of subsurface realms, organic substrates are consumed using terminal electron acceptors (e.g. sulfate, nitrate, iron, manganese or carbon dioxide) other than the ubiquitous oxygen in aerobic surface environments. In sedimentary environments, the main source of carbon comes from buried organic matter, which becomes more recalcitrant with increasing depth of burial. Microbial cell counts in subsurface sediments in general show a logarithmic decrease with depth [5], resulting from the decrease in available organic carbon and nutrients in progressively older sediments [6]. However, many situations are known in which microbial life is sustained by organic compounds produced by the thermal conversion of recalcitrant organic carbon at greater depths, beyond the window of microbial life, which have migrated to sites of potential metabolization. Such situations include microbial consortia feeding off thermogenic gas hydrate accumulations [7], petroleum reservoirs [8] or surface expressions of petroleum leakage [9]. Also, an in situ-direct coupling of abiotic substrate generation from buried organic matter and microbial utilization has been postulated to occur in at least one special geologic setting [10], indicating that the deep biosphere and the abiotic geosphere overlap to some extent (see also [5]).The bulk of deep biosphere research to date has focused on understanding the processes, controls and limits of the deep biosphere as we see it today. In view of the fact that surface organic carbon production, deposition, preservation and burial deBrought to you by | Stockholms Universitet Authenticated Download Date | 8/25/15 7:03 AM