The great convergenceWe now live in a world where digital technology is no longer 'separate, virtual, [or] "other" to a 'natural' human and social life' (Jandri c et al., 2018, p. 893). Contemporary information and communication technologies are now routinely used for harvesting and algorithmic processing of all kinds of data-these developments profoundly influence all aspects of human existence including but far from limited to radical transformations of economy (Uber, Airbnb, etc.) and education.Biotechnology is now at the point where we can routinely turn living matter into digital code, alter the code, and turn altered code into living matter. This brings about new economic models (Peters et al., 2021a), ethical questions (Johnson et al., 2021, and reaches all the way to the eternal question of human nature (Savin-Baden, 2021). In recent literature, this 'unity between biology, information, and cognitive sciences at a nanoscale' can be found under various names such