Women can serve as catalysts needed to achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development agenda by 2030. The Women in Environmental Sciences network engaged women from culturally and professionally diverse backgrounds at two workshops held in the UK in 2018 and 2019. The interdisciplinary environmental sciences’ meeting included presentations by leading women in academic and non-academic organizations. Through breakout sessions, effective interaction, and discussions between professionals and grassroots, an atmosphere of “leaving no one behind” was created. Participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 55 years and more than 65% of the participants were under 35 years old, representing the productive working group. The mixed group of young and the old, academic and non-academic women provided a basis for insightful and lively discussions needed to bridge the gap between information disseminated to professionals and non-professionals, to students, and early career researchers. In this article, the following information are presented: Relevant literature in view of gender equality and environmental aspects, summary of the talks and discussions, how the talks aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and sub-targets, issues identified and avenues for change, evaluation and some quotations from the participants. The article showcases the opportunity for the implementation of SDGs in all organizations through the promotion of integrated discussions on environmental science aspects, gender, equality, diversity, inclusion, partnerships needed to inform effective policy changes at local, national, or global levels. This article provides insights to professionals/non-professionals, governmental, non-governmental organizations, higher education institutions, and local communities and women. By providing a summary of the talks and their alignment with SDGs, the Women in Environmental Sciences provide new ways of engagement required at these times to develop applied and strategic research, and open a dimension of how the SDGs can be implemented to cope with changing environmental conditions.