Abstract. Maulidyna A, Alicia F, Agustin HN, Dewi IR, Nurhidayah I, Dewangga A, Kusumaningrum L, Nugroho GD, Jumari, Setyawan AD. 2019. Review: Economic impacts of the invasive species water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): Case study of Rawapening Lake, Central Java, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 11: 18-31. Introduced species is defined as a conscious or unconscious effort to present a species of animal or plant into a new habitat. Introduced species have two pathways on their biogeographical distribution, namely becoming an invasive species or not becoming an invasive species. An introduced species which does not have a negative impact on the new habitat is not classified as an invasive species, while a species that is introduced and does have a negative impact on the new habitat is considered as invasive species. One of the problems that threaten freshwater ecosystems in Indonesia is the invasion of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). This introduced plant species can reproduce rapidly, both generatively and vegetatively, and form very dense masses in water bodies, such as swamps, lakes, rivers, and channels including in Rawapening Lake in Semarang District, Central Java, Indonesia. This study is aimed to review the economic impacts of the invasive water hyacinth species in Rawapening Lake from two perspectives: the negative and the positive impacts, so that feasible solutions can be developed. There are several negative impacts caused by water hyacinth in Rawapening Lake. The overgrown water hyacinth in the lake hinders the fishermen in maneuvering the boats and fishing gears, reducing the fish catches. The extensive coverage of water hyacinth causes the reduction in soluble oxygen and blocks sunlight into the water, leading to the decline of fish population. The rotten water hyacinth can obstruct the irrigation channels of the fields so that farmers cannot produce maximum rice harvests and eradicating them would incur financial costs. On the other hand, there are also positive impacts of water hyacinth in Rawapening Lake. This plant can be used as raw materials to produce a variety of handicrafts in the form of bags, sandals, baskets, wallets, and furniture such as chairs and tables. Water hyacinth can also be processed in biogas production and organic fertilizers. With careful management, water hyacinth can remediate polluted water caused by heavy metals contamination. In short, economically, the presence of water hyacinth in Rawapening can be both beneficial and detrimental. Proper management of this species is necessary to maintain the sustainability of this aquatic environment. r