Data for trace gas fluxes (NO x , N 2 O, and CH 4 ) from the Amazon and cerrado region are presented with focus on the processes of production and consumption of these trace gases in soils and how they may be changed because of land use changes in both regions. Fluxes are controlled by seasonality, soil moisture, soil texture, topography, and fine-root dynamics. Compared to Amazonian forests where the rapid cycling of nitrogen supports large emissions of N 2 O, nitrification rates and soil emissions of N oxide gases in the cerrado region are very low. Several studies report CH 4 consumption during both wet and dry seasons in forest soils, but there is occasionally net production of CH 4 during the wet season. A few studies suggest an unknown source of CH 4 from upland forests. As with N oxide emissions, there are few data on CH 4 emissions from cerrado soils, but CH 4 consumption occurs during both wet and dry seasons. Clearing natural vegetation, burning, fertilization of agricultural lands, intensive cattle ranching, and increasing dominance by legume species in areas under secondary succession after land conversion have all been identified as causes of increasing N 2 O and NO emissions from tropical regions. Large uncertainties remain for regional estimates of trace gas fluxes. Improvement of models for the N oxides and CH 4 fluxes for Amazonia and the cerrado still depends upon gathering more data from sites more widely distributed across two vast biomes and more importantly on basic theory about the controls of emissions from the ecosystem to the atmosphere.