Sediment cores from Jellyfish Lake were processed under an inert atmos phcre and the pore waters extracted and analyzed for the following parameters: pH, titration alkalinity (TA), Cl-, H4Si04, POd3-, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SOd2-, and H2S. Additionally, in one set of pore-water samples (core lo), the 613C of the X0, was also determined. The TA, H4Si04, POd3-, NH;+, and H,S increased with depth in the pore waters above anoxic bottom-water values. H,S values increased to 3.8 PM. In one case, both H,SiO, and POd3-concentrations increased to a maximum value and then decreased with depth, suggesting removal into solid phases. The H,SiO, concentrations are equal to or greater than pore-water values observed in sediments underlying upwelling areas. Pod3 -concentrations are, in general, lower than pore-water values from terrigenous nearshore areas but higher than nearshore carbonate pore-water values from Florida Bay or Bermuda. The Ca2+, Cl-, and Mg2+ : Cl-ratios show slight decreases in the top 15-20 cm, suggesting that authigenic carbonate may be forming. This suggestion is supported by the fact that the pore waters are saturated with respect to CaCO, due to the very high TAs. The 613C measurements of the pore-water X0, are from a shorter core. These measurements reach their most negative concentration at 72 cm and tilen become slightly heavier. This change is accompanied by a decrease in TA, suggesting the onset of methanogenesis at this location in this core.l Present address: