The paper presents data on the taxonomic diversity of carnivorous plants in the greenhouse collection of theBotanical Garden of Vyatka State University. According to the results of the 2022 inventory, this group is represented by 5families (Droseraceae Salisb., Nepenthaceae Dumort., Cephalotaceae Dumort., Sarraceniaceae Dumort., LentibulariaceaeRich.), 7 genera (Dionaea Sol. ex J. Ellis, Drosera L., Nepenthes L., Cephalotus Labill., Sarracenia L., Darlingtonia Torr.,Pinguicula L.), 12 species, one subspecies, two natural hybrids, 5 cultivated hybrids and 4 varieties. The overwhelmingmajority of representatives of carnivorous plants in the garden collection grow in tropical and subtropical climates, withthe exception of two species of temperate latitudes. The habitats of insectivorous plants determine the characteristics oftheir cultivation under the conditions of introduction: they all need full-spectrum lighting for 14–16 hours, their summercontent temperature is +25…+30 °C, winter temperatures are different for representatives of individual families.