Technologic advances have provided the means to deliver tumoricidal doses of radiation therapy (RT) to patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) while avoiding critical normal tissues, providing the opportunity to use RT for curative intent treatment of HCC. For the current report, the expanded role of external beam RT in the setting of HCC from palliation to cure was reviewed. A systematic literature search was undertaken using the MEDLINE data base and secondary references to identify peer-reviewed, English-language articles that re- control response rates ranged from 40% to 90%, and the median survival ranges from 10 months to 25 months. For patients with HCC who had portal vein thrombus, the median survival after RT to treat the thrombus and/or the hepatic tumor with or without TACE ranged from 5.3 months to 9.7 months. Although outcomes after high-dose conformal RT for liver-confined HCC were excellent, the potential survival benefit of RT should be tested in randomized controlled trials that require international collaboration.