The article outlines the problems of dry farming in the Orenburg region. The reasons for the degradation of chernozem soils leading to their complete destruction and ecological catastrophe are shown. The ways of solving and scientifically substantiated possibilities of preserving the soil fertility of the Orenburg chernozems, which increase productivity, reduce to a minimum the negative effect of drought. during the transition to contour-landscape agriculture, it was established that it was possible to obtain stable yields every year in all natural and climatic zones of the Orenburg region. Studied five-field crop rotations with various types of occupied and black fallow in relation to contour landscape agriculture (CLA). The average grain yield according to the experience was -16.1 centners, including spring wheat - only 18.6 centners per hectare. Grain output from 1 hectare of crop rotation -12.9 centners. The productivity of the experiment on the average of the steaming grass was 2.17 thousand feed units. The green mass of the cereal-legume mixture (barley + peas) in the green manure pair is 1.67 thousand fodder units. The production of the buffer strip amounted to 2.26 thousand fodder units of green mass of Sudanese grass per hectare