The blowfly, Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is an important medical and forensic insect that is the main cause of ovine cutaneous myiasis. In the field of medical treatment using maggot therapy, this species could help to heal incurable infections. The morphological identification of the adult wing and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of the first instar larvae was carried out and confirmed by DNA identification of the 3 rd instar larvae of L. cuprina. The results showed a fraction of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) spanning approximately 269 bp. The topology of the Neighbor-Joining (NJ), Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree indicated that L. cuprina species were assigned correctly to the subfamily Luciliinae, family Calliphoridae. The male reproductive system comprises two testes, a pair of vasa differentia and a pair of accessory glands, a vesicula seminalis, and an ejaculatory duct. This inquired species has the common conventional spermatozoal pattern of Calliphoridae, a single-layered acrosome at the apex, a consolidated nucleus, totally crystallized mitochondrial derivatives, and an axoneme with a 9+9+2 microtubular configuration. This investigation revealed for the first time detailed morphological and mitochondrial DNA identification, as well as the morphology of the male reproductive system and ultrastructure of spermatozoa in L. cuprina, collected from Sharkia Governorate, Egypt.