Biomolecular recognition is an open scientific problem, which has been investigated in many theoretical and experimental aspects. In that sense, there are encouraging results within Resonant Recognition Model (RRM), based on the finding that there is a significant correlation between spectra of the numerical presentation of amino acids in the primary structure of proteins and their biological activity. It has been found through an extensive research that proteins with the same biological function have a common frequency in their numerical spectra. This frequency was found then to be a characteristic feature for protein biological function or interaction The RRM model proposes that the selectivity of protein interactions is based on resonant energy transfer between interacting biomolecules and that this energy, electromagnetic in its nature, is in the frequency range of 10 13 to 10 15 Hz, which incorporates infra-red (IR), visible and a small portion of the ultra-violet (UV) radiation. In this paper, the quantum mechanical basis of the RRM model will be investigated using the solution in the simplified framework of Hückel-like theory of molecular orbits.