Nutraceutical (NIs) and Environmental (EIs) antioxidant systems are reviewed toward reducing Excessive Reactive Oxidative Species (E-ROS) and associated Spinal Maladies. Spinal discs, muscles, and nerves are adversely impacted by E-ROS. Such impacts arise -esp. with prolonged static disc loadings -from E-ROS reduced erythrocyte (RBC) flexibilities and required "foldings" for RBC passage through capillary bores smaller than their breadths. With apoptotic potential, this can block: 1) Delivery of required O2, nutrients, hormones etc., 2) Removal of CO2 and other waste products (esp,, inflammatory substances promoting local, if not general E-ROS). Given this cascade, NIs (e.g., Vitamin C and ORP-reducing Probiotics) have been recommended to address E-ROS. Of these, "nutritionals" have dose limitations (e.g., diarrhea for Vit. C). EIs include Negative-ion air, H + Water ( neg. ORP), H2-gas and H2-saline. EIs and NIs altogether offer a wide-spectrum of interventions toward addressing E-ROS. Recommended is research to optimize EI&NI mixes toward optimal spinal health.