A mong the most promising yet challenging aspects of nanoscience is the hierarchical assembly of materials. Nature has given us many elegant examples of how this can be done and has shown us the extraordinary results of accomplishing this feat. We are just now decoding snippets of how such biological systems come together and function and co-opting some of these to create what are, by comparison, still primitive assemblies. At the same time, we are developing new methods of and strategies for assembly and are trying to determine the associated rules and scales. This is no simple task, as even measuring the assembled systems is at or beyond the limits of our current abilities.A hallmark of work in this area has been the creativity of those involved, and one has the sense that we are exploring largely uncharted territory. Rarely are we able to get atomic-scale views of the results, which would serve as the best guide to further advances. Instead, we get lower resolution glimpses with available methods or see the results of our work less directly. In this issue, several articles and features touch on this topic from different points of view. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] In our Conversation, Prof. Ned Seeman discusses structural DNA nanotechnology, a field that he has developed by working out the associations between strands of DNA, exploiting some naturally occurring features and inventing related others. 1 You will see how the creative process outstripped our ability to measure these structures and has led to long incubation times and much frustration along the way. The measurements of these systems have become more direct over time, moving from gel electrophoresis, to Fö rster resonance energy transfer (FRET, an optical technique that measures proximity at the few nanometers scale), to atomic force microscopy at present; this has both accelerated the advances and enabled increasing complexity of the DNA and hybrid structures assembled. Prof. Seeman points us toward the next steps in this field as well as new enabling capabilities to come.Such efforts have advanced sufficiently that features and properties can now be designed into these assemblies. Prof. Seeman describes a number of such advances. Also in this issue, Prof. Jørgen Kjems and co-workers have furthered the design tools for and elements of DNA origami (Figure 1), originally developed by Dr. Paul Rothemund. 2,15 Prof. Dmitri Talapin explores competing interaction strengths and driving forces for hierarchical assembly in his Perspective. 3 He points out how these strengths scale differently for nanoparticles than they do for atoms and molecules. The result is that our intuition fails us, and we have to reconsider the interplay between these driving forces for hierarchical assembly. Often, the strengths are sufficiently close that we have not developed a predictive capability. Thus, systematic studies, such as those reported by Chen and O'Brien on binary nanoparticle superlattices, 4 or by Weller and co-workers on the preparation of hig...