Endothelial cells are key units in the regulatory biological process of blood vessels. They represent an interface to transmit variations on the fluid dynamic changes. They are able to adapt its cytoskeleton, by means of microtubules reorientation and F-actin reorganization, due to new mechanical environments. Moreover, they are responsible for initiate a huge cascade of biological processes, such as the release of endothelins (ET-1), in charge of the constriction of the vessel and growth factors such as TGF − β and PDGF. Although a huge effort have been made in the experimental characterization and description of these two issues the computational modeling have not gain such a attention. In this work we propose a 3D model for cytoskeleton cells and a computational approach to, based on its mechanical environment, adapt or remodel its internal structure. We found our model fit with the experimental works presented before, both in the remodeling of the cell structure. We include our model within a computational fluid dynamic model in a carotid artery to quantify endothelial cell remodeling. Moreover, our approach can be coupled with models of collagen and smooth muscle cell growth, where remodeling and the associated release of chemical substance are involved.