Dead wood is rich in sugars and can serve as an energy source when digested, but it lacks other nutrients, preventing the growth, development, and maturation of saproxylophages (saproxylic organisms that consume dead wood at any stage of decomposition). Split into atoms, sugars only serve as a source of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, thereby providing insufficient nutrition for saproxylophages and for their digestive tract symbionts, despite the ability of certain symbionts to assimilate nitrogen directly from the air. Ecological stoichiometry framework was applied to understand how nutritional scarcity shapes saproxylophage-dead wood interactions. Dead wood is 1-3 orders of magnitude inadequate in biologically essential elements (N, P, K, Na, Mg, Zn, and Cu), compared to requirements of its consumers, preventing the production of necessary organic compounds, thus limiting saproxylophages' growth, development, and maintenance. However, the wood is nutritionally unstable. During decomposition, concentrations of the biologically essential elements increase promoting saproxylophage development. Three mechanisms contribute to the nutrient dynamics in dead wood: (1) C loss, which increases the concentration of other essential elements, (2) N fixation by prokaryotes, and (3) fungal transport of outside nutrients. Prokaryotic N fixation partially mitigates the limitations on saproxylophages by the scarcity of N, often the most limiting nutrient, but co-limitation by seven elements (N, P, K, Na, Mg, Zn, and Cu) may occur. Fungal transport can shape nutrient dynamics early in wood decay, rearranging extremely scarce nutritional composition of dead wood environment during its initial stage of decomposition and assisting saproxylophage growth and development. This transport considerably alters the relative and total amounts of non-C elements, mitigating also nutritional constraints experienced by saproxylophages inhabiting such nutritionally enriched wood during