Several methods with potential for the management of Rhizoctonia diseases of canola and lupin including plant resistance, fungicide seed treatment and biological control using binucleate Rhizoctonia anastomosis groups (AGs) were evaluated under glasshouse conditions. Screening included the examination of resistance of eight canola and eight lupin cultivars/selections to damping-off and hypocotyl/root rot caused by the multinucleate Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-1, 2-2, 4 and 11. All canola cultivars were highly susceptible to AG-2-1, but Rocket, Spectrum and 44C11 were more resistant than the other cultivars. Spectrum and 44C73 were also more resistant to AG-4 than the other canola cultivars. On lupin, R. solani AG-2-2 and 4 were most virulent, and the cultivar Cedara 6150 and selection E16 were most resistant to AG-2-2; Cedara 6150, E16, Mandelup and Quilinock were more resistant to AG-4 than the other cultivars/selections. The Lupinus luteus selections, E80.1.1.2 and E82.1.1 were most susceptible to AG-2-2, 4 and 11. Seed treatment with the fungicides Cruiser OSR (a.i. difenconazole, fludioxonil, metalaxyl-M, thiamethoxam) and SA-combination (a. i. iprodione, metalaxyl, thiram) significantly increased survival of canola and lupin seedlings, decreased hypocotyl/root rot and improved the percentage of healthy seedlings, with the SA-combination being significantly more effective than Cruiser OSR. Application of the binucleate Rhizoctonia AGs (A, Bo, K and I) significantly increased the survival of lupin seedlings inoculated with R. solani AG-2-2 and 4, and AG-I and K significantly improved survival of canola in the presence of AG-4. This is the first report of the potential of binucleate AGs to protect canola and lupin seedlings against infection by multinucleate AGs.