Deep-sea corals provide important habitat for many organisms; however, the extent to which Wshes and other invertebrates are aYliated with corals or other physical variables is uncertain. The Cape Fear coral mound oV North Carolina, USA (366-463 m depth, 33° 34.4ЈN, 76°2 7.8ЈW) was surveyed using multibeam sonar and the Johnson-Sea-Link submersible. Multibeam bathymetric data (2006) were coupled with in situ video data (2002)(2003)(2004)(2005) to deWne habitat associations of 14 dominant megafauna at two spatial scales. Results suggested greater habitat speciWcity of deep-reef fauna than previously documented, with Wshes showing greater aYnity for certain habitat characteristics than most invertebrates. High vertical proWle, degree of coral coverage, and topographic complexity inXuenced distributions of several species, including Beryx decadactylus, Conger oceanicus, and Novodinia antillensis on the smaller scale (30 £ 30 m). On the broad scale (170 £ 170 m), several suspension feeders (e.g., N. antillensis, anemones), detritivores (Echinus spp.), and mesopelagic feeders (e.g., Beryx decadactylus, Eumunida picta) were most often found on the south-southwest facing slope near the top of the mound. Transient reef species, including Laemonema barbatulum and Helicolenus dactylopterus, had limited aYliations to topographic complexity and were most often on the mound slope and base. Megafauna at deep-water reefs behave much like shallow-water reef fauna, with some species strongly associated with certain Wne-scale habitat attributes, whereas other species are habitat generalists. Documenting the degree of habitat specialization is important for understanding habitat functionality, predicting faunal distributions, and assessing the impacts of disturbance on deep-reef megafauna.