Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) provides ecosystem services such as cooling of temperatures and is majorly important for climate change adaptation. Green Volume (GV) describes the 3-D space occupied by vegetation and is highly useful for the assessment of UGI. This research uses Sentinel-2 (S-2) optical data; vegetation indices (VIs); Sentinel-1 (S-1) and PALSAR-2 (P-2) radar data to build machine learning models for yearly GV estimation on large scales. Our study compares random and strati ed sampling of reference data, assesses the performance of different machine learning algorithms and tests model transferability by independent validation. The results indicate that strati ed sampling of training data leads to improved accuracies when compared to random sampling. While the Gradient Tree Boost (GTB) and Random Forest (RF) algorithms show generally similar performance, Support Vector Machine (SVM) exhibits considerably greater model error. The results suggest RF to be the most robust classi er overall, achieving highest accuracies for independent and inter-annual validation. Furthermore, modelling GV based on S-2 features considerably outperforms using only S-1 or P-2 based features. Moreover, the study nds that underestimation of large GV magnitudes in urban forests constitutes the biggest source of model error. Overall, modelled GV explains around 79% of the variability in reference GV at 10m resolution and over 90% when aggregated to 100m resolution. The research shows that accurately modelling GV is possible using openly available satellite data. Resulting GV predictions can be useful for environmental management by providing valuable information for climate change adaptation, environmental monitoring and change detection. 1 Introduction Urbanization and climate change are considered global megatrends that will continue to affect life on this planet (Retief et al. 2016). The United Nations suggest that already today, 55% of the world's population live in urban areas and that this number is estimated to rise to 68% by 2050 (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division 2018). Human induced climate change leads to continuously rising average temperatures and poses risks through increased climate andweather extremes including oods, heatwaves and droughts (IPCC 2021). Both phenomena further increase pressures on the natural environment, including biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Thus, in urban and environmental planning, these megatrends and their interconnected effects need to be considered (Retief et al. 2016;Gill et al. 2007;Mathey et al. 2011).Looking at climate change adaptation in urban contexts, green spaces function as urban green infrastructure (UGI) that provide a variety of ecosystem services (Gill et al. 2007;Mathey et al. 2011; Frick et al. 2020;Palliwoda et al. 2020;Matzarakis 2001). Studies show that greater abundance of UGI, including increased green volume and number of green roofs, has strong positive effects on reducing peak summer temperatures in citi...