This study aimed to analyze the performance of the vertical jump with counter movement (CMJ), in university handball athletes, immediately after the maximum strength training in multiple series and after 10 and 15min of rest. Twelve male athletes participated, age 20.9±2.4 years old, height 1.78±0.05m and Body Mass Index (BMI) 28.74±8.1kg/m2. After the tests and retests of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) for the dominant and non-dominant sides, in the leg extension, the volunteers performed crossover after 48 hours of the training sessions. CMJ measurements were collected before and immediately after each training protocol and after 10 and 15min of rest. Passive recovery between sets was three minutes. The intervals between training protocols were at least 45min. There were no statistical differences for the CMJ between the moments pre-, post-training session, 10 and 15min of rest in the different protocols, but progressive increases in the CMJ variables were observed, extending up to the 15th minute of rest, in all training protocols when comparing the results of the means of the CMJ variables of the moments post-training session, 10 and 15min of rest with the averages of the variables from the pre-training session, being more evident in the alternate unilateral protocol, which, unlike the other protocols of the study, performed series with the two lower limbs. It was evidenced that the training protocols of short duration and with high dynamic efforts, previously performed, influenced the performance of the CMJ, favoring for the transient improvement of the explosive muscular strength of the athletes.