The dissertation examines the problem of students' training and testing. To solve the problem, new model, algorithms and system have been developed and adapted. The developed system enables organizing of individual and group training and self-control process. Integrated intelligent search subsystem helps to develop the study plan for the themes of interest. The system continuously monitors the user and can respond to his failure. The developed built environment computer learning subsystem performs practical calculations to assess the built environment projects. The main problem solved by development of the subsystem is reduction of time needed for users to create their own systems. Knowledge database created during the system development can be a good source of knowledge for new or similar projects evaluations. Calculation results can be saved for further research or shared with other users of the system. The dissertation consists of Introduction, 4 Chapters, Conclusions, References, and List of Author's Publications. The introduction reveals the investigated problem, importance of the thesis and the object of research and describes the purpose and tasks of the dissertation, research methodology, scientific novelty, the practical significance of results examined in the dissertation and defended statements. The introduction ends in presenting the author's publications on the subject of the defended dissertation, offering the material of made presentations in conferences and defining the structure of the dissertation. Chapter 1 revises scientific literature. The world experience in development of intelligent tutoring systems is analyzed. Also definitions of intelligent tutoring systems and the built environment are provided. Chapter 2 overviews the multi objective assessment methods and discusses their integration into the overall system. Chapter 3 presents the model of intelligent tutoring system for built environment. All parts off developed system are reviewed including methods, submodels, algorithms and databases. Chapter 4 presents three real life case studies that show practical application results of the created system. 12 articles focusing on the subject of the discussed dissertation are published: 7 articles-in the Thomson ISI Web of Science register and 5 articlesin the proceedings in Thomson ISI data base. Patent "Electronic information retrieval system and method" on behalf of VGTU was acquired.