It is imperative to establish an automated system for the identification of neonates (1–28 days old) and infants (29 days–12 months old) through the utilisation of the readily accessible 500 ppi fingerprint reader. This measure is crucial in addressing the issue of newborn swapping, facilitating the identification of missing children, monitoring immunisation records, maintaining comprehensive medical history, and other related purposes. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the potential for future identification of infants using fingerprints obtained from a 500 ppi fingerprint reader by employing a fusion technique that combines multiple instances of fingerprints, specifically the left thumb and right index fingers. The fingerprints were acquired from babies who were between the ages of one day and six months at the enrolment session. The sum-score fusion algorithm was implemented. The approach mentioned above yielded verification accuracies of 73.8%, 69.05%, and 57.14% for time intervals of 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months, respectively, between the enrolment and query fingerprints.