Everyone in many banks has many types of bank accounts, people need to bring a lot of ATM cards for their transaction, manytypes of PINs for each account.In the current system, ATM machine user identification systems depend only on bank ATM cards, safety secret pin code, and also such kind of user ID verification methods which measures are not optimal and sometimes there are incidents where we dismiss our secret security PIN code, lose ATM cards, rob ATM cards, stolen secret PIN code.Weare presenting a fresh concept or idea for the ATM machine user identification scheme, "Multi-banking Automatic TellerMachine Transaction System by Utilizing GSM and Biometric Identification with One Single Touch" to get control of theissues in the current ATM machine system. On the base of fingerprint identification method which is also one of most securesystems, unofficial accesses are blocked, as it makes fingerprint technique a unique recognition for every user. Our introducedsystem also assures a very secure GSM and OTP based transaction deals. The presented scheme has no hazard in managingmany account transaction deals and performs high-level security, compared to the current ATM machine scheme.