Hydrogen served as a competitive inorganic energy source, impacting the CuFeS 2 bioleaching efficiency of the extremely thermoacidophilic archaeon Metallosphaera sedula. Open reading frames encoding key terminal oxidase and electron transport chain components were triggered by CuFeS 2 . Evidence of heterotrophic metabolism was noted after extended periods of bioleaching, presumably related to cell lysis.For bioleaching processes focused on the recovery of base, precious, and strategic metals from low-grade ores, most microorganisms studied to date are mesophilic bacteria (18). However, moderately and extremely thermoacidophilic archaea may be advantageous in certain bioleaching applications and should be considered (7, 8; T. Harvey and W. van der Merwe, presented at the Bio & Hydrometallurgy Meeting, Capetown, South Africa, 2002). For chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2 ) bioleaching, for example, higher temperatures can lead to faster overall leaching kinetics, in part by minimizing passivation, which slows rates at the mineral surface (15, 16). Metallosphaera sedula, an extremely thermoacidophilic, metal-mobilizing crenarchaeon growing optimally at 70 to 75°C and pH 2 (3), has been examined in this regard (7,11). Key to bioleaching capacity in this microorganism is the dissimilatory oxidation of iron and sulfur, mediated by membrane-associated electron transport chains that are anchored by terminal oxidases (2, 3, 12). For M. sedula, another factor that needs to be considered is the impact of inorganic energy sources, other than metal sulfides, on bioleaching. This issue was considered here by examining the influence of molecular hydrogen on M. sedula CuFeS 2 bioleaching.M. sedula (DSMZ 5348) was grown aerobically at 70°C in an orbital bath (70 rpm). Autotrophic cultures (headspace content: 7% CO 2 , 14% O 2 , 28% H 2 , balance N 2 ) were used to inoculate 1-liter bottles containing 300 ml of DSMZ medium 88 (pH 2), supplemented with 10 g/liter chalcopyrite (provided by Greg Olsen [Geosynfuels, Golden, CO]), and a headspace of either air, air plus CO 2 (7% final concentration), or the autotrophic mix mentioned above. Cells were enumerated using epifluorescence microscopy with acridine orange stain. Cultures growing exponentially were harvested 1 day postinoculation and compared to CuFeS 2 -grown cultures that were harvested 3 or 9 days postinoculation. Harvesting was done as previously described (2, 3). Methods used for microarray construction, RNA preparation, slide scanning, and data analysis were also as described previously, with the exception that Trizol (Invitrogen) was used as the RNA extraction reagent and a Packard BioChip Scanarray 4000 scanner was used for slide scanning. Significant differential transcription, or "response," was defined as relative changes of Ն2 (where a log 2 value of Ϯ1 means a 2-fold change) having significance values of Ն5.4 (Bonferroni correction equivalent to a P value of 4.0 ϫ 10 Ϫ6 for this microarray configuration). Soluble iron and its oxidation state in M. sedula cultures were tracked ...