The ability of Bifidobacterium strains to bind with Benzo[a]pyrene in foods, feeds, digestive tract, and environment can decrease the toxic effects of B[a]p on humans and farm animals. In this study, nine Bifidobacterium strains were tested for their ability to binding with B[a]p. Bifidobacterium lactisBI‐04, HN019, and Bifidobacterium infantisBY12 showed highest binding rate with B[a]p. Moreover, the effect of different food stress factors (acid, detergent, oxidative, alkaline, enzymatic, osmotic, and heat) was also evaluated on the binding rate of B[a]p. Positive correlations were observed for acid, and TCA (Trichloracetic acid) stress, while heat stress showed that the viability of bacteria cells was not significant for binding. The mechanisms behind the effect of each stress factor on binding ability were also discussed. These results revealed the importance of cell technological resistance as different factors could significantly affect the performance of the probiotic strains.
Practical applications
Benzo[a]pyrene is recognized as one of the most potent carcinogens and found in a wide variety of foods, especially smoked, fried, and roasted foods. Therefore, it is crucial to find a safe method in order to remove B[a]p. Bifidobacterium is the most important lactic acid bacteria found in the human intestine and are well known to have many important nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Bifidobacterium, due to their Generally Recognized as Safe status and use as probiotics, is nonpathogenic and without generating toxic residues, making Bifidobacterium strains feasible to use in detoxification method. In this study, the selected Bifidobacterium strains were found highly efficient in the removal of B[a]p.